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Lehigh Alumni Pride Association (LAPA)

LAPA is a group of alumni that serves to support all LGBTQ+ alumni and allies through outreach and events. 

Interested in joining or becoming more involved? 


Keith Gustafson '19G (he/him)

Associate Director, Alumni Engagement & Inclusion Initiatives
Lehigh University Development and Alumni Relations

Connect with us on Facebook to stay up to date on other events and activities.



Alumni Spotlight!


Amelia Conway

Amelia Conway ’20 ’21G
Integrated Business and Engineering with a Minor in Computer Science
Master’s Degree in Industrial and Systems Engineering 

Out on Campus
I didn’t transition until after I graduated from Lehigh. I never even went to the Pride Center.

Lehigh Experience
I was goal driven, so I focused on my coursework, study abroad, internship, research, and thesis. I wanted to earn a presidential scholarship. So I stayed in my room and studied. Still, I knew that something was missing, that I didn’t really feel like me. It was like I was a co-pilot in my own head. I had expectations to meet — both my own and those from my family. I worked to fit that mold and loved how appreciated I felt when I did so. I did struggle to connect with people and was not living authentically or working to understand myself well. 

It was only after I finished my graduate degree that I began to process things. I had a month before my job started. Over those days, I had to piece together my experiences, thoughts, and feelings while growing up and face some emotional ups and downs. That’s when I had to accept that I was transgender.

Life Today
I am a project manager, strategy analyst, and programmer at Sanofi. My employer was fantastic, supportive, and inclusive during my physical and legal transition. This is why I want to be active with the Lehigh Alumni Pride Association. I am one voice among many, but maybe can make one person happier by speaking to them and sharing my story.

Tell Yourself Back Then
You have a duty to yourself to be the best version of yourself. That is the real accomplishment and goal. You won’t remember the grades. Self-discovery is important. Such work pays dividends down the line. So look at your blind spots and see what you are missing out on in life. 

Keeping yourself in ignorance, not wanting to face the truth, and living a beautiful lie will not keep you from confronting what’s inside you. Don’t choose short-term ease when you want to find meaning and connection in yourself and with others.

Advice for Students Today
When you first handle what seems the most tough, everything else can be easier. So if you are feeling comfortable, then you probably aren’t growing enough or pushing yourself in new directions.


Support LGBTQ+ students in their career journeys through Lehigh Connects! 

Lehigh Connects is your gateway to the entire Lehigh alumni network. From mentorship opportunities to professional connections, all the best opportunities start on Lehigh Connects. When you create a profile and set your preferences, you make yourself searchable so Lehigh alumni and students can find you to seek advice or swap tricks of the trade. That means you’ll also be able to search the entire Lehigh alumni network to find a mentor, chat about an industry switch, explore career resources, browse for job postings, and more.

The Pride Center has teamed up with the Center for Career & Professional Development with their platform, Lehigh Connects. Join the community by logging in or creating an account and be sure to add the features below to your profile to make it easy for LGBTQ+ students to find your profile:

  • Write a brief bio that outlines how you can support LGBTQ+ students
  • Add the "LGBTQ in the Workplace" help topic (How I can Help section)
  • Write in "Pride Center" or "LGBTQ" in the "More About You" section


Updated Diploma with Chosen or Legal Name
Alumni who have changed their names (legally or otherwise) may request a new diploma with their updated chosen or legal name free of charge (covered by Alumni donations to the center) by contacting the Pride Center at Should you wish to pay for the copy of the diploma yourself you can head to the Office of the Registrar's order form here:
Updating Alumni Records
Alumni may designate a chosen name in the records managed by Development & Alumni Relations by emailing This will be reflected on all electronic and paper correspondence from Lehigh University.
Updates to Communication and Public Affairs Stories
Lehigh Communications and Public Affairs is committed to ensuring our LGBTQIA+ alumni feel supported and acknowledged. To that end, should there be a story, news article, or other written material by Lehigh that was previously published with incorrect pronouns, your legal name (or deadname), or any other incorrect information, please contact Communications and Public Affairs at for updates or any other requests related to written material.
  • Members of Lehigh's Alumni Pride Association pose for a photograph
  • Recent graduates gather together in Williams Hall for the Take Pride Celebration
  • Keynote speaker address the audience at Take Pride
  • Members of Lehigh Alumni Pride Association and Lehigh Balance gather for a photo