Out List

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Welcome to the Lehigh University Out List! This is a public-facing listing of LGBTQ+ faculty and staff at Lehigh. It was created to further the Faculty & Staff Pride Network's mission to foster and sustain a welcoming and affirming climate on campus for LGBTQ+ people. In addition to providing opportunities for networking and mentoring within and beyond and Lehigh community, the Out List is an affirmation of Lehigh's LGBTQ+ community as active, present, and integral to the university. 

If you would like to be listed on the Out List, please complete this form.

Julia Aughenbaugh | she/her
Global Program Manager / College of Education


Emily Beck | she/her
Coordinator / Community Service Office

Riley Boike | she/her
Teaching Assistant / Political Science


Kyle Brett | he/him
Donor Relations


Bill Burden | he/him
Associate Director / Center for Career & Professional Development


Scott Burden | he/him
Director / Pride Center
"I identify as a white, queer, cisgender male."


Leila Monique Lins Cardoso | she/her
HR Business Partner


William Crow | he/him
Director and Professor of Practice / Lehigh University Art Galleries,
Dept. of Art, Architecture and Design

Jacob Dooley | he/him, they/them
Research Assistant, TA / Material Science



Michael Dills-Allen | he/they
University Registrar



Adam Ercolani | he/they
Campus Engagement Manager, Zoellner Arts Center


Domenica Fertal | she/her
Research Assistant / Chemistry
Deciding to go to graduate school is not an easy choice to make, especially if you’re a young LGBTQ+ scientist that doesn’t feel represented in academia. Anyone that’s thought about graduate school and would like to talk to an honest, open graduate student about their experiences so far, feel free to email me and we can meet for coffee/tea!


Lyam Gabel | they/them, he/him
Assistant Professor / Theatre
"I am trans* and would love to connect with other trans and nonbinary people at Lehigh. Please feel free to reach out."


Jamie Gallant | he/him
Sustainability Coordinator / Lehigh Dining
"I am a gay trans man with “invisible” disabilities. I understand how scary and frustrating it can be to navigate the world through these lenses and am happy to provide support to those who are struggling to do so. I am also interested in connecting with others in the LGBTQIA+ community here on campus."


Matthew Glose | he/him, they/them
Executive Assistant, Facilities



Dylan Faltine-Gonzalez | he/him
PhD Candidate / Biological Sciences
Afro-Latinx; first-gen college student; first-gen PhD student



Laurel Humphreys | she/her
Lab/Field Technician/Dept of Environmental Science




Nic Johnson | she/her
Assistant Professor / Education and Human Services


Melpomene Katakalos | she/her
Associate Professor / Theatre
"Proud Bi first-gen Greek American"


Tyler Katz | they/them
Engagement & Programming Associate / Office of Jewish Student Life
"I'm a gay, genderqueer Ashkenazi Jew. I'm always here to talk about anything. Feel free to reach out to me."



Shannon Kelley | she/her
PhD Candidate / Industrial and Systems Engineering
"Hi! I'm a rural, trans woman currently on HRT and undergoing facial feminization. If you’re looking to build queer community or explore your gender, feel free to reach out!"


Ilena Key, Ed.D. | she/her
Chief Technology Officer / Library & Technology Services


Mel Kitchen | she/her
Coordinator/The Pride Center


Ainsley Lamberton | she/her
Administrative Director / Office of the Vice President and Associate Provost, Research and Graduate Studies


Ashley Lemmons | she/her
Associate Dean of Students / Student Affairs


Evan Lempke | he/him, they/them
Administrative Coordinator-Creative Inquiry
I am an out (and loud) trans masculine person with a disability that loves to meet others of any identity! I know how isolating/scary it can feel to share who you are with the world and starting HRT/GAS; I am willing to help in supporting you however you need, a coffee, quick chat, listening ear.



Jeffrey Ludwig-Dicus | he/him
Head Preparator / Exhibition Designer, Lehigh University Art Galleries



Kelsi Lykens | she/her
Head Field Hockey Coach/ Athletics



Shea Martin | he/him
PhD Candidate / Chemistry
I’m a bi man and proud to be part of the LGBTQ+ community in STEM! I’d love to connect with other LGBTQ+ students so feel free to reach out!




Mackenzie McCann | they/them
Assistant Director / Office of First-Year Experience




Allison Mickel | she/her
Associate Professor / Sociology & Anthropology


Tricia J. Moore | she/her
Managing Editor / Coordinator, Lehigh University Press


Steve Nathan | he/him
Director / Jewish Student Life and Associate Chaplain
"As a queer Jewish person of faith, I'm always interested in discussing the intersection of queer identity and spirituality. I'm also just here to talk. As a member of the Chaplain's Office staff I can also be 100 percent confidential, as can anyone in the Chaplain's office and the Counseling Center."


Jen Rieder | she/her
Coordinator, Office of Undergraduate Studies & Interdisciplary Programs

I’m a cisgender lesbian, and the non-biological/non-carrying mother of an infant. My wife and I are always open to connecting with other LGBTQIA+ individuals or families!

Teresa Rosenberger | she/her
Graduate Assistant, University Counseling & Psychological Services


Jessica Scott | she/her
Coordinator, Registration & Academic Services


Michelle Spicer | she/her
Assistant Professor, Earth & Environmental Sciences

I’m a bi/pan cis woman in STEM, happy to chat and connect with others in the LGBTQ+ community on campus.



Sophie Tessier | she/they

Lending Services Assistant, LTS



Ariel Torres | he/him
Associate Director, The Pride Center


Kelley Versocki | she/her
Marketing & Communication Specialist / Office of Sustainability

I identify as a bi, cisgender woman. I’m always excited to connect with other people in the LGBTQIA+ community so if you ever want to chat or connect, reach out!


Camaryn Wheeler | she/her
Testing Services Coordinator / Center for Academic Success


Jenn Winikus | she/her
Teaching Associate Professor / Electrical & Computer Engineering

I am a bisexual/pansexual cisgendered female Ashkenazi jewish engineer, and first in  my family to get a PhD. Always happy to connect and support others in the community (Lehigh and LGBTQIA+), please feel free to reach out.


Gabe Woffindin | he/him
Assistant Volleyball Coach

I identify as a Cis, Gay Man. I would love to be an advocate, allly and resource for anyone within the LGBTQ+ community at Lehigh & beyond!


Mark Wonsidler | he/him
Curator of Exhibitions and Collections / Lehigh University Art Galleries