Mentor Collective

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What is Mentor Collective?



Mentor Collective at Lehigh is a peer mentorship program designed to help you make the most of your first year of college. As a first year student, you will be carefully matched with an experienced Lehigh student on campus who shares your interests and background and can help you reach your goals at Lehigh!

Your mentorship experience is entirely up to you. Your mentor can make your transition to Lehigh easier by answering your questions, connecting you to campus resources, helping you make decisions, helping you make connections, telling you about clubs or how to get more involved on campus, and exploring your academic and career interests with you.

Become a Mentor

Imagine if you had a chance to go back and tell your first year self all the things you wish you had known. As a mentor with Mentor Collective, you'll get to do exactly that for the incoming first year students. You can pass on the lessons you have learned to mentees who share your interests, your background, and your career goals while also learning from your mentees about how to be a source of support and how to be there for someone in need. Being a mentor for first year students at Lehigh University can be incredibly rewarding. You can read more about some of the experiences our mentors have had below in "The Mentor Experience" section.

Sign Up Today!

Have more questions? Contact the Office of Student Access & Success, or read about why you should become a mentor and the experiences mentees and mentors at Lehigh have had below!

The Mentee Experience

"An important thing a mentor can help me with is the adjustment from high school to college. Shifting between two drastically different settings, it would be extremely helpful to have someone along the way who has gone through the same experiences, and has advice to share to help better my time at college." - Brian Snyder

"Mentors help students by revealing to them the little things that will make their lives easier, the tips and tricks of life at college, and by being there for them when there is hardship. " - Eva Ehrich

"The mentorship has been super helpful so far and it's been fun talking about anything from AP exams to studying abroad! I've been wondering about studying abroad in the Philippines and France for a while but forgot about it briefly. Hearing about current students' experiences with it helped with my perspective. After the first year kit coming in and our last Skype session, I'm kind of excited for orientation now (even though it's months away)." - Dominique Ocampo

"I am excited to begin college and explore new classes and clubs. I am nervous about picking a major, but know I have a lot of time and support to figure it out. Morgan helped answer questions about textbook online access codes. She told me about her experiences with them, and she even went out of her way to ask an upperclassman friend who  took one of the classes I am enrolled in when she did not know some of the answers." - Allison Codi

"I was a little nervous about the  idea of putting myself out there, but Reilly helped ease my mind." - Merith Velazquez



The Mentor Experience

"It’s definitely intimidating starting up at a new school and not knowing how to make your class schedule effectively and/or figure out extra curriculars. I hope that I can be a resource to help [mentees] more easily manage things during this stressful period!" - Olivea Vasquez

"It [mentorship program] has helped me remember what it was like to be an incoming first year, and how much Lehigh has helped me grow." -  Griffin Turner

“I want to be able to help support people who are following similar steps as I am (as in trying to find their way through college). I know that college is hard, draining, and confusing at moments and I want to be that person that I really did not have/feel comfortable in finding.” - Donterrius Walker

"I love being able to share my experience as a student, I think we can all learn a lot from each other as peers and as individuals and this program allows us to do that." - Kamilah Velez

"I would like to be an advocate for all students at Lehigh, and help them to understand that they are diverse in their own way and have the ability to make unique contributions to academia while pursuing their Lehigh degree. I desire to mentor and provide support to incoming Lehigh students to make them aware of the steps that they should take to reach their full potentials and take advantage of all of the incredible opportunities that Lehigh has to offer!" - Iman Mosley