Frequently Asked Questions
We are so excited to talk to you about your ideas! Faculty and staff should email GLE Director Rita Jones <>, and undergraduate and graduate students should email Associate Director Carly Dickerson <> to discuss your ideas.
The Gender, Leadership, & Empowerment Center offers a wide array of events and programming throughout the academic year and beyond. The GLE Centeroffers several inclusive workshops targeted toward staff, faculty and graduate students, as well as fully customizable departmental workshops on request. Additionally, the GLE Center sponsors the Lehigh Women's Network, Lehigh Parenting and Caregiver Support Network, and Reading Group. The remainder of the GLE Center programming is dreamt up, developed, implemented and assessed by the GLE Center Equity Reps. You can keep up to date by looking at our Upcoming Events page, following us on social media (@LUGenderEquity) or signing up for our E-letter!
Because we help you think about how you think, how you develop meeting agendas, and how you interact with those around you. If you teach in a classroom or facilitate a lab, you may want to hone in on your compassionate listening skills; students know when we’re going through the motion of asking a question but not really hearing the response.
We teach by doing feminist praxis in our quest toward gender equity, and we will eagerly share out tips, learnings, and fails. Our workshops emphasize interaction and disruptions against status quo behaviors and procedures that have resulted in inequitable and often inaccessible spaces. We can help departments (re)build an inclusive strategic plan, and we can help students reimagine course material. Don’t cancel class; call us in!
There are many ways for faculty and staff to get involved. Did you know that undergraduate and graduate students place a premium on informal interactions with faculty and staff outside the classroom? And how cool is it to come together in a multi-generational space to talk about gender/sex issues? Don’t assume an event is for undergraduates only. And if you would like to see a topic focused on a particular age or professional group, reach out to Rita at We can co-develop something.
If you’re looking for specific kinds of spaces, all women-identifying Lehigh faculty, staff, and graduate students and their allies are welcome to participate in the Lehigh Women's Network. The GLE Center also sponsors the Parenting and Caregiver Support Network for Lehigh faculty, staff, and graduate students who are caregivers.
Faculty and Staff are encouraged to participate in the Gender, Leadership, & Empowerment Center workshops. You may sign up for a single workshop, or all workshops in the series! If you attend all three workshops offered during Fall 2021, you will receive GLE swag. Faculty and staff may also request custom workshops tailored to their courses or departments free of charge using this form.
All faculty and staff are encouraged to send their ideas, collaborative projects and inquiries to GLE Center Director Rita Jones at
There are several ways that undergraduate and graduate students can get involved with the Gender, Leadership, & Empowerment Center. You don’t have to be a student assistant to help evision, plan, or volunteer for an event or project! You can email at any point in the semester to get involved.
Additionally, the GLE Center accepts inquiries for internships year-round and hires work study students, a graduate assistant, and a wage position worker when positions are available.
You can also ALWAYS join us for an event! Check out the Upcoming Events section, follow us on social media (@LUGenderEquity) or sign up for our E-Letter to keep up to date with what’s going on in the CGE.
Gender, Leadership, & Empowerment Center supports chestfeeding, lactation, and feeding of children wherever the parent is comfortable and allowed to be. For those looking for a quiet space, please take a look at the Lactation Friendly rooms on this page. As we are in the process of creating a Lactation Friendly Campus, and we encourage you to send your ideas, ideal room options, and campus experiences to Dr. Rita Jones, Gender, Leadership, & Empowerment Center Director, at