Alumni & Community

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Hello, Alumns and Community Folk! 

You might be looking at the "Center for Gender Equity" and feel unsure of where this was during your time here on campus or wondering where the Women's Center site is. The Center for Gender Equity was known as The Women's Center or the Women's Networking Center until Summer of 2017.  Why the name change? As you probably knew, the Women's Center was always a welcoming place for ALL, but as language and culture changes, so does our name. Our work has always included work to make sure that our community is inclusive of all genders, and by changing the name to the Center for Gender Equity, we believe it better demonstrates our mission and actions to everyone. Click here to take a look at the evolution of the Women's Center to the Center for Gender Equity through logos! 

The Center of Gender Equity truly is the result of the hours of work and endless passion of its alumni and friends, both those who are at Lehigh and those who live elsewhere.  We thank you for all of your advocacy and support.  If you would like to give back, you have many options.  You can mentor current students, facilitate a discussion based upon your current work (in-person or through Skype), and, if possible, donate financially to the Center.  Please contact the Advancement Office (1-866-517-1552, 8am-4pm) or make a gift online. Please click here. Please be sure to write in “Center for Gender Equity” in the Comments section under “Areas of Support.”

You can also keep track of us and join the conversations online, anytime by following us in these areas below.  Thanks for all you continue to do!

CGE Events

Alumni are welcome to attend CGE events!

Lehigh Connects 

Lehigh Connects, offered through the Alumni Association, enables students to connect with alumni in a mentorship program for networking and career advice. As you build your Profile, consider these great tips from the Alumni Association and Center for Career and Professional Development:


Are your settings and preferences updated?: 

Please log in and take a couple of minutes to review the information on your profile and make sure your notification settings will allow you to quickly and easily learn of new messages and meeting requests from students. You can do this by: 

  •        Logging into Lehigh Connects 

  •        Click on your picture from the top right side of the screen to access “My Preferences” 

  • To review your profile or make changes click “My Profile”


    Example of How to access you Profile in the Lehigh Connects Page

Add your cell phone number in “My Preferences” to receive text alerts when a student asks to connect.



How to change Notification Preferences in Lehigh Connects Profile

Students are more likely to connect to a mentor who has a well-developed profile. Here are some easy steps to take that will strengthen your profile.

1.    Include a photo. Profiles with pictures are seen as more valid, professional and welcoming.

2.    Connect your profile to LinkedIn. Providing a link to your profile on LinkedIn is an easy way to share more details about your experience and education.

3.    Include 1 or more job titles and position descriptions. Mentors are filtered based on keyword or job title, so at least one job title and a brief description of your work are important to include on your profile. Be sure to include previous jobs as well!

4.    More About You Section: What activities, offices, or clubs were you involved with on campus? Invitations to future events will be based, in part, on-campus involvement details in this section.


Lehigh Regional Network

Happy Hours, Send Offs, Tailgating: Click here to find the LU Alumni Network in your area! 



Even if you are not a student at Lehigh but interested in staying connected with the Center for Gender Equity, you can do so in many ways.