Monday, March 15, 2021
Virtual Rosh Chodesh | Center for Gender Equity
Join the Center for Gender Equity, Hillel and Jewish Student Life for a celebration marking the start of the month. Reimagine community with open dialogue, self care, and create purpose through ritual. This event is open to all.
Monday, March 15, 2021
Virtual Rosh Chodesh | Center for Gender Equity
Join the Center for Gender Equity, Hillel and Jewish Student Life for a celebration marking the start of the month. Reimagine community with open dialogue, self care, and create purpose through ritual. This event is open to all.
Monday, March 15, 2021
TGNC | Pride Center
Peer led small, safe support group that meets several times a month for transgender, gender non-conforming, nonbinary students to feel welcome and build community
Monday, March 15, 2021
TGNC | Pride Center
Peer led small, safe support group that meets several times a month for transgender, gender non-conforming, nonbinary students to feel welcome and build community
Monday, March 15, 2021
Mental Health Monday | Pride Center
Needed now more than ever, the Pride Center offers opportunities to gift yourself with self care. Keep an eye on our social media platforms throughout the semester.
Monday, March 15, 2021
Mental Health Monday | Pride Center
Needed now more than ever, the Pride Center offers opportunities to gift yourself with self care. Keep an eye on our social media platforms throughout the semester.
Monday, March 15, 2021
Queer Spirituality | Pride Center
Queer Morning Blessing - students, staff & faculty are invited to start your day with an affirming, nourishing practice
Monday, March 15, 2021
Queer Spirituality | Pride Center
Queer Morning Blessing - students, staff & faculty are invited to start your day with an affirming, nourishing practice
Monday, March 15, 2021
CampusCup - Free Menstrual Cup - Student Sign Up
Dear Lehigh Students,
The Center for Gender Equity and Office of Sustainability have partnered with OrganiCup, a sustainability-focused menstrual cup company, to offer free menstrual cups to interested students! This initiative is part of CampusCup 2021, a nationwide project to make menstruation and menstrual products more sustainable and accessible on campus. Here’s how it works:
Check the sizing guide to find your fit.Sign up for a free OrganiCup from March 12 to March 26Pick up your cup in-person in April.You will receive one cup in the size of your choice. Once the menstrual cups arrive, students that signed up will be notified to pick their cup up either at their mailbox or at the Office of Sustainability. *Students must be living on campus or, if living off-campus, have access to campus to pick up the product in order to participate.*
Students who miss the 2-week window will be able to purchase a menstrual cup at using a 20% discount code unique to Lehigh: LU20.
Monday, March 15, 2021
Nominations Open for the Be Awards!
Nomoinate a member of the Lehigh community for the Center for Gender Equity BE Awards. These awards recognize the many people all over campus and in our alum networks who make space for all genders to simply BE. BE who they are, wherever they are, and light the way for others to do the same. Recipients can be students, faculty, staff, and alums.