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Stay Connected with the Center for Gender Equity!


Summer Staff/ Faculty/ Alumni Check-In:


Ymani Bethea, CGE Staff 

This summer, I am working on a mountaintop project s looking at the invisible wall set between Lehigh University and the surrounding local businesses and how to “break” it down. The project is looking specifically at ethnically diverse set of businesses near campus called the 4 Blocks International Commercial Districts. Using techniques of creative placemaking such as story gathering with local merchants, web-based story sharing, and tours for Lehigh students, my team and I are working to foster dialogue, connections, and relationships between the Lehigh University community and these diverse businesses and their proprietors.

All the best, 




Jasmine Wung, CGE Staff Member


This summer I’m a fellow at NextGen America, a progressive non-profit dedicated to turning out the youth vote in upcoming elections. We’re doing a lot of community engagement, canvassing and clipboarding to register voters, start conversations, and get people civically engaged. If people are interesting in volunteering they can contact me at!



Dr. Rita Jones, The Center for Gender Equity

Hello, Friends of the Center for Gender Equity. I’m super pumped about this Summer. This past January, I celebrated 10 years at Lehigh, all of which have been in the CGE (and WC!). What sets apart this summer from previous ones is the full and exciting staffing structure we have. In addition to over 20 outstanding undergraduate student staff, we will have a graduate assistant, a graduate intern from Kutztown University, a professional staff member from Lehigh doing a collateral appointment, a Coordinator, and an Associate Director. Wow! Not only are we fortunate and committed as an institution, we now have the potential to change the way gender equity work gets done on college campuses. I feel energized, inspired, supported, and challenged, and I LOVE IT. Our professional staff had an engaging end-of-year and imagining-next-year meeting last week, and now I start working on a long- and short-term strategic plan to foster a campus founded in gender equity. But I can’t do it alone, especially now that we are working not just with and for students but also faculty, staff, alums, and community members.

If you’re returning to campus in the Fall (regardless of your position as staff, faculty, or student), email me with your ideas, needs, support for, or questions about how to be involved with gender equity work on campus.

If you’re reading these emails from afar, let me know what you’re up to these days, ideas about gender equity progress you’ve seen elsewhere, or what the Center for Gender Equity can offer you now that you have left Lehigh.

Summer in the northern hemisphere certainly signals growth.