Tuesday, October 1, 2019
OMA Chats: Mindfulness | Multicultural Affairs
In partnership with the University Counseling and Psychological Services (UCPS), the Office of Multicultural Affairs offer students the opportunity to engage in open dialogue on Mindfulness from a multicultural lens.
Hosted by: NavigateLU Administration, Office of Multicultural Affairs
Additional Information can be found at: lehigh.campuslabs.com/engage/event/4818640
Tuesday, October 1, 2019
OMA Chats: Mindfulness | Multicultural Affairs
In partnership with the University Counseling and Psychological Services (UCPS), the Office of Multicultural Affairs offer students the opportunity to engage in open dialogue on Mindfulness from a multicultural lens.
Hosted by: NavigateLU Administration, Office of Multicultural Affairs
Additional Information can be found at: lehigh.campuslabs.com/engage/event/4818640
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Erev Rosh Hashanah Services & Dinner | Hillel
Erev Rosh Hashanah Services & Dinner
5:30 pm services in UC 303
6:30 pm dinner in UC 308
Friday, September 27, 2019
Gender in a Global Context | Center for Gender Equity
Join the CGE in an open discussion about growing up with Immigrant Parents! Share personal experiences and learn about others stories, lunch provided!
Friday, September 27, 2019
Gender in a Global Context | Center for Gender Equity
Join the CGE in an open discussion about growing up with Immigrant Parents! Share personal experiences and learn about others stories, lunch provided!
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Coming Out | Pride Center
Student support group for students who identify anywhere in the LGBTQ+ spectrum to met and find community
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Lunch & Learn | Pride Center
Led by a member of our student staff, we invite you to bring your lunch as we center our sessions around social justice and advocacy for marginalized communities
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
MLK Celebration Committee Justice Series: Lehigh & South Bethlehem
With much excitement, the MLK Celebratiom Committee is thrilled to expand our programmatic offerings with the addition of the MLK Justice Panel Series. The intellectual capacity that our campus and surrounding community offers is unparalleled, and we wanted to provide a platform in which more intimate conversations around justice can thrive. Our first panel discussion will start with the ever-present discussion of "Community Engagement: Lehigh and South Bethlehem". We're excited about the diversity in experience from our panelists. Each brings a value-added voice to the dynamics of the culture between Bethlehem (SouthSide) and Lehigh University. In looking at the many themes of Dr. King's Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community, one that stands out the most is the message of hope. It is our hope that these panel series will open up more dialogue for greater mutual understanding
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Gender Equi-Tea | Center for Gender Equity
Join us for Gender Equi-Tea! Taste different kinds of tea while coming together as a community for conversations in gender equity issues. Our first topic will be discussing the differences between gender equity and gender equality, facilitated by Dr. Rita Jones, the Director of the Center for Gender Equity.
The Second Gender Equi-Tea will be held on September 25, and a conversation on Men's roles in gender equity/ Masculinity in Gender Roles Facilitated by Dr. Hugo Ceron-Anaya.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Gender Equi-Tea | Center for Gender Equity
Join us for Gender Equi-Tea! Taste different kinds of tea while coming together as a community for conversations in gender equity issues. Our first topic will be discussing the differences between gender equity and gender equality, facilitated by Dr. Rita Jones, the Director of the Center for Gender Equity.
The Second Gender Equi-Tea will be held on September 25, and a conversation on Men's roles in gender equity/ Masculinity in Gender Roles Facilitated by Dr. Hugo Ceron-Anaya.