Friday, February 23, 2018
Avi: Diversity Shabbat | Center for Gender Equity
A special service, dinner and discussion for Shabbat focusing on issues of diversity, inclusion and equity.
Friday, February 23, 2018
"Avi" Diversity Shabbat | Lehigh Hillel
"Avi" Diversity Shabbat - A special service, dinner and discussion for Shabbat focusing on issues of diversity, inclusion and equity. Friday, February 23 @ 5:45 in UC 303. All are welcome.
Friday, February 23, 2018
"Avi" Diversity Shabbat | Lehigh Hillel
"Avi" Diversity Shabbat - A special service, dinner and discussion for Shabbat focusing on issues of diversity, inclusion and equity. Friday, February 23 @ 5:45 in UC 303. All are welcome.
Friday, February 23, 2018
Muslim Friday Prayer Service | Packer Memorial Church
Muslim Friday Prayer Service (Jum’ah) held weekly AT 1:10 p.m. in Packer Memorial Church with Dr. Walead Mosaad leading the congregation. All are welcome.
Thursday, February 22, 2018
Student Support Groups: BPFQ (Bi, Pan, Fluid, Queer) | Pride Center
Join us for one of our many student support groups: TGNC (Trans and Gender Non-Conforming), QTPOC (Queer and Trans People of Color), Coming Out Support Space (confidential), and BPFQ (Bi, Pan, Fluid, Queer identities)
Thursday, February 22, 2018
Student Support Groups: BPFQ (Bi, Pan, Fluid, Queer) | Pride Center
Join us for one of our many student support groups: TGNC (Trans and Gender Non-Conforming), QTPOC (Queer and Trans People of Color), Coming Out Support Space (confidential), and BPFQ (Bi, Pan, Fluid, Queer identities)
Thursday, February 22, 2018
Spirit Temple Campus Fellowship | Student Activities
Come and experience the power of the presence of God every week! Feed your body, soul, and spirit...
Thursday, February 22, 2018
Be Your Own Open Session | Center for Gender Equity
An event in which participants can learn more about their identity and express their journey of growth, transformation, and healing through art!
Thursday, February 22, 2018
Be Your Own Open Session | Center for Gender Equity
An event in which participants can learn more about their identity and express their journey of growth, transformation, and healing through art!
Thursday, February 22, 2018
African American Culture Night | Global Union
Black Students Union and the Global Union collaborate for hosting the first African American Culture Night!