Thursday, February 6, 2020
BPFQ | Pride Center
Student support group for students who identify as bisexual, pansexual, fluid or queer to find community.
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Moderated Discussion: Obama: An Intimate Portrait with Pete Souza | Multicultural Affairs
The Office of Multicultural Affairs and BALANCE invite you to join us in welcoming Pete Souza for a moderated discussion with questions and answers about his experience of being former President Obama's personal photographer. Space is limited, registration required.
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Be Your Own Creation Space | Center for Gender Equity
Join the Center for Gender Equity in creating art to make change on campus! The 2020 Be Your Own theme asks participants to think about the universal topic of love in any of its different forms -- whether it be the love that we feel for one another, our favorite things, our identities, or ourselves. Let's reimagine what love is, what love means to us, how we feel, and how we express love through the creation of art!
You piece will be displayed in the BYO art gallery and will be returned to you at the Gallery's close, or upon request.
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Be Your Own Creation Space | Center for Gender Equity
Join the Center for Gender Equity in creating art to make change on campus! The 2020 Be Your Own theme asks participants to think about the universal topic of love in any of its different forms -- whether it be the love that we feel for one another, our favorite things, our identities, or ourselves. Let's reimagine what love is, what love means to us, how we feel, and how we express love through the creation of art!
You piece will be displayed in the BYO art gallery and will be returned to you at the Gallery's close, or upon request.
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Common Place Journaling | Center for Gender Equity
The Love Yourself Series continues! Learn about the process and benefits of Common Place Journaling! Journaling Supplies provided. Event is held in the CGE Lounge UC C207 Execpt for 3/4 date where it will be held at Roemmele Global Commons.
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Common Place Journaling | Center for Gender Equity
The Love Yourself Series continues! Learn about the process and benefits of Common Place Journaling! Journaling Supplies provided. Event is held in the CGE Lounge UC C207 Execpt for 3/4 date where it will be held at Roemmele Global Commons.
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Diversity Champions: Inclusive Language: Diversity, Multiculturalism, Social Justice | Multicultural Affairs
The purpose of this workshop is to develop a brief understanding about the history of multiculturalism both broadly and within the institution, as well as common language used for inclusive practices. Participants will then begin to self-identify how they might carry out each of these concepts into practice and begin building their own inclusive language toolbox with other community members.
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Diversity Champions: Inclusive Language: Diversity, Multiculturalism, Social Justice | Multicultural Affairs
The purpose of this workshop is to develop a brief understanding about the history of multiculturalism both broadly and within the institution, as well as common language used for inclusive practices. Participants will then begin to self-identify how they might carry out each of these concepts into practice and begin building their own inclusive language toolbox with other community members.
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
QTPOC | Pride Center
Student support group for students of color who identify as LGBTQ+ to gather as community
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
QTPOC | Pride Center
Student support group for students of color who identify as LGBTQ+ to gather as community