Past Events

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Monday, May 6, 2024

Study Jams Kick Off

Need supplies to help you study for finals? Need to take a break from studying? Then join us for Study Jams Kick Off! There Will bé snacks, study supplies and more!
Monday, May 6, 2024

Study Jams Kick Off

Need supplies to help you study for finals? Need to take a break from studying? Then join us for Study Jams Kick Off! There Will bé snacks, study supplies and more!
Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Take Pride

The Pride Center invites the Lehigh University community to Take Pride, The Pride Center's annual graduate recognition and awards ceremony. Both Undergrads and Graduate Students can register to receive a free rainbow cord and a gift from the Pride Center.
Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Take Pride

The Pride Center invites the Lehigh University community to Take Pride, The Pride Center's annual graduate recognition and awards ceremony. Both Undergrads and Graduate Students can register to receive a free rainbow cord and a gift from the Pride Center.
Sunday, April 7, 2024

Queer Spirituality Retreat

The Pride Center invites Students, Staff and Faculty to the Spring Queer Spirituality Retreat. It's a beautiful opportunity to disconnect from all the noise of this world and connect with other queer community members and allies. This retreat is a sweet time to discover fulfilling ways to empower each other's inner strength and peace. We'll share a meal and explore what queer spirituality means to each of us. It should be a nice, relaxing, fun time to feed our hearts and meet new friends.
Sunday, April 7, 2024

Queer Spirituality Retreat

The Pride Center invites Students, Staff and Faculty to the Spring Queer Spirituality Retreat. It's a beautiful opportunity to disconnect from all the noise of this world and connect with other queer community members and allies. This retreat is a sweet time to discover fulfilling ways to empower each other's inner strength and peace. We'll share a meal and explore what queer spirituality means to each of us. It should be a nice, relaxing, fun time to feed our hearts and meet new friends.
Sunday, April 7, 2024

Queer Spirituality Retreat

The Pride Center invites Students, Staff and Faculty to the Spring Queer Spirituality Retreat. It's a beautiful opportunity to disconnect from all the noise of this world and connect with other queer community members and allies. This retreat is a sweet time to discover fulfilling ways to empower each other's inner strength and peace. We'll share a meal and explore what queer spirituality means to each of us. It should be a nice, relaxing, fun time to feed our hearts and meet new friends.
Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Pride Center LUally-Intersections - Gender and Sexuality Language - Embrace the Tension

Join us for this new LUally session focused on exploring gender and sexuality language related to self and others while engaging in dialogue and reflection on the idea of humility over competency. Facilitated by Dr. Carly Dickerson, Associate Director, and Dr. Rita Jones, Director of the Center for Gender Equity and Scott Burden, Director of The Pride Center for Sexual Orientation & Gender Diversity.
Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Pride Center LUally-Intersections - Gender and Sexuality Language - Embrace the Tension

Join us for this new LUally session focused on exploring gender and sexuality language related to self and others while engaging in dialogue and reflection on the idea of humility over competency. Facilitated by Dr. Carly Dickerson, Associate Director, and Dr. Rita Jones, Director of the Center for Gender Equity and Scott Burden, Director of The Pride Center for Sexual Orientation & Gender Diversity.
Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Pride Center LUally-Intersections - Gender and Sexuality Language - Embrace the Tension

Join us for this new LUally session focused on exploring gender and sexuality language related to self and others while engaging in dialogue and reflection on the idea of humility over competency. Facilitated by Dr. Carly Dickerson, Associate Director, and Dr. Rita Jones, Director of the Center for Gender Equity and Scott Burden, Director of The Pride Center for Sexual Orientation & Gender Diversity.
