Forty years ago, Lehigh's first Hillel House opened on Summit Street, offering a warm, inviting space to the university's Jewish community. Over the years, the warm welcome never waned, but the space became too small to host all of the students who wanted to be involved in the activities offered there by the student-led Hillel Society and the Office of Jewish Student Life. During Founder's Weekend, a new Jewish Student Center was dedicated a few blocks away at 233 W. Packer Ave. The large, historic building has enough room for a kosher kitchen, study spaces, a meditation room, a student lounge and game room, a prayer room, and offices for staff.“It’s important to have a place for the Jewish community to come together for celebrating Shabbat and holidays, to be able to get together and have a home away from home,” said Rabbi Steven Nathan, endowed director of Jewish Student Life and associate chaplain of the university. “Community is such an essential part of Judaism.” Read the full story here.